If, however, you are thinking about getting serious with one or more of your potential beaus, you will need to choose one over the other in order to avoid the possibility of losing both guys. While it can be difficult to make this decision, this page on how to choose between two guys will help you in your romantic dilemma. Here we will go over the various things to keep in mind while making your choice, as well as some of the wrong reasons to make a commitment to one or the other.
Step 1: Weigh the Pros and Cons
While it may be tempting to simply follow your impulses and pick the guy that you feel the most physically attracted to, it is important to think rationally about your needs and what these men truly have to offer you. The first course of action here is to sit down with a pen and paper and create a list of all of the things that you are looking for in a guy and in a relationship. What have you always wanted for yourself? What are your priorities? Once you have these things written down, go over your list and write down the name of the guy (or guys) who meet each of your criteria. The guy who best matches your aspirations may be the one for you. In addition to the number of matches a guy has, you should also note the importance of each item on your list, and weigh them accordingly.1
Next, write down the things that you absolutely do not want in a relationship, and do the same thing. Who is more likely to cheat? Is one of them rude to your friends or family? Compare these notes with your list of relationship wants, and you may find that it is easy to make your decision.
Next, write down the things that you absolutely do not want in a relationship, and do the same thing. Who is more likely to cheat? Is one of them rude to your friends or family? Compare these notes with your list of relationship wants, and you may find that it is easy to make your decision.
Step 2: Listen to Your Heart
Of course, a guy needs to do more than just look good on paper in order to win your heart. You must also take your feelings into consideration. You probably feel a bit different when you are around each of them. Who really makes your heart flutter? If they both send sparks running through your body, it can be hard to tell which one your heart prefers. However, there is a good chance that even if they both attract you greatly, there is one that you can simply feel is better for you. This has a bit to do with sexual attraction, but also a sense of comfort and happiness that comes along with the physical chemistry.
You should feel safe, warm, and happy when you are with the guy that you belong with. If you have any doubts or pick up on any subtle signals that make you question the honesty or good intentions of the man you are with, there is a good chance that he is not the one that you want to end up with.
Step 3: How to Avoid Choosing the Wrong Guy
You should feel safe, warm, and happy when you are with the guy that you belong with. If you have any doubts or pick up on any subtle signals that make you question the honesty or good intentions of the man you are with, there is a good chance that he is not the one that you want to end up with.
Step 3: How to Avoid Choosing the Wrong Guy
If you have followed the above steps, then by now you should know both the rational choice to make as well as the more intuitive selection. Hopefully, they both match each other. If they do not, there is a good chance that neither of these guys is truly right for you, and you may wish to move on and experience dating some more men before committing yourself to anyone in particular. Whatever the case, it is a good idea to know the reasons why you should not choose one guy over the other one. These include:
- Do not choose a guy because he seems good for you, and you want things to work out even though you do not have true feelings for him.2
- Do not pick a guy because he makes the most money, no matter how many beautiful gifts he gives you.
- Don't make a decision based purely on sex. You will need to be compatible in many other ways in order to sustain a relationship.
- Do not choose a guy just because your friends or family like him a lot.
- Do not enter a serious relationship before you are ready because you feel pressure from the guy.
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