Friday 1 June 2012

HOw to Find a Boyfriend

"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match / Find me a find, catch me a catch." We've come a long way from the era depicted in the classic musical Fiddler on the Roof, when parents routinely hired someone to find their adult children a "perfect match." We've now got the freedom to be our own matchmakers, but there's still a catch. It's not always an easy task! Consequently, many singles are enlisting the help of professional cupids whose business is bringing together compatible couples.
Today's matchmakers work hard for their money -- and they demand a lot of it. Prices for these pros run steep, and only a select few singles are affluent enough to afford the service. But you get what you pay for, and matchmakers are selective about their clientele, finding them via referrals as well as by scouring cocktail parties, political fundraising events and charity balls. Then comes an extensive one-on-one interview and background check. "I'm more than a matchmaker. I become a friend to my clients," says New York-based matchmaker Barbra Brooks. "I'm available to them at all times. After each arranged date, I interview both people for feedback, which I pass on -- diplomatically, of course." Over the past 16 years, this personalized approach has resulted in "hundreds of marriages and at least 40 babies," adds Brooks.
No need to be wistful, though, if you can't afford to hire a matchmaker of this caliber. We've asked Brooks and three other exclusive matchmakers for their best tips on how to find love. Here's what they have to say:
1. Be realistic. "If you look like Roseanne, don't fixate on finding a Tom Cruise look-alike," says Brooks. "I also tell women who seem to be on a money hunt -- that is, looking exclusively for men with big bucks -- they'll have to change their attitude if their goal is a long-term relationship. Men can sense right away if you're out for their wallet, not their personality." In the long run, the most priceless attributes you should want in a mate are not looks and/or money but a loving heart, dependable nature and commitment to you.
2. Be a hot mama, not a prospective mama. "Men have a radar for detecting women who are baby hungry," warns Christie Kelleher, director of the New York office of Kelleher & Associates, an upscale matchmaking service for successful professionals. Kelleher, whose service has brought together about 6,000 marriages in 19 years, adds, "He's thinking, 'Whoa -- I don't even know your middle name, and I already know the colors you want to paint your kid's nursery.'" Your best bet: no baby talk!
3. Make dating a priority. Janis Spindel, the self-described "cupid in a Chanel suit" and president of the New York-based Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking service, suggests that clients approach finding the right man as they would a job hunt. The key is to always be prepared because you never know when or where you'll meet someone. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive and plan ahead for interesting conversation. "You also need to change your routine," adds Spindel, who in the last 10 years has brought together more than 300 marriages and 400 monogamous couples. "Don't get your newspaper delivered. You might meet someone at the newsstand."
4. Nix the ex talk. On the first few dates, Brooks advises her clients to ex-cise the desire to tell the new man all about the previous boyfriend. If your ex was fabulous, your date will feel he can't measure up. But if you bash your ex too much, your date could think, Whoops -- she might be talking about me that way in a few months! Similarly, you should be wary of a man who can't stop talking about his former paramour. If he's still hung up on her, his heart has no room for you.
5. Neurotics needn't apply. You both need to be emotionally healthy to forge a successful relationship, says Neil Clark Warren, Ph.D., who founded a cyber matchmaking service called in 2000. For instance, it's not a good sign if you're in the relationship primarily because you're frightened of being alone. It's equally bad if your guy looks as longingly at the gin bottle as he does at you. Or if he's morbidly depressed. Don't fall into the codependent trap and think you can "heal" him. It's smarter to look for a man who doesn't need healing.
6. Mind your manners. Men are understandably appalled when their bright, attractive, funny date suddenly does something tacky like ripping a piece of bread in half and putting the other half back in the bread basket or applying lipstick at the table. "Men also find it gauche when the woman calls for the check," says Brooks. "The man wants to do the summoning of the waiter and the paying of the bill." Spindel also warns against a few more etiquette faux pas: "Be on time, shut off your cell phone, look him in the eye, not down at the floor. Don't ask him too many questions about his job. He'll think you're a gold digger." You don't need to be Emily Post, but if you display the sensitivity of a lamppost, don't be surprised if the first date is the last one.

Best Places to go on a first Date

More than a third of the participants believe that the best places to go on a first date is a café or a regular hangout (34%). While a dinner date at a restaurant (21%) is the second best option, going out for lunch or watching a game or a movie seems to be a common third option, followed by a date at the park (09%), and lastly, an exotic option (04%).
From what we see, the best place for a first date seems to be unanimous, a chat over coffee. Safe and easy going!

A first date over coffee is a great option for any first date, especially if you want to warm up to the person with you, without going overboard. Cafés are perfect, because you can avoid the pressures of impressing or worrying about what to do if the date goes wrong, or worse, your date mate is just way too boring. Coffee houses can make for great dates between people who know each other, or work at the same place.
Taking your date out to dinner is a classy option if you want to impress. The pressure is on, and you have to be at your best to impress. But if you’re a confident magnet, then, we’d suggest you go straight to the dinner date. Dinner dates are supposed to be like real dates, unlike a coffee date which is just having coffee. So you either win the date or you completely blow it. So choose to go out for dinner, if you don’t know your date very well, and if you know you want to get the message across immediately.

Unique dates are “wow”, but it can also be a real mess and not recommended for the best places to go on a first date. You don’t really know what your date mate wants or likes, and as much as you may impress and get lucky with skydiving off an aircraft, things can go horribly wrong if your date’s scared of heights. So play safe, and don’t go over the top on the first date.
Any place can be perfect for the first date if you’re looking at dating someone for a long time, and not a quick fling. Choose a place where both of you can spend around an hour, but not more than two hours. Both of you should be comfortable and have an option to end the date.

Have a good time, and if you like your date, make sure you go home and call or text your date thanking them for a great time. And also do add in the line, “I would love to see you again very soon…”

So the next time you’re heading on a date, choose any of these best places to go on a first date, and the rest, as they say, will be history!

Thursday 31 May 2012

Worst 100 Things to say on a First Date Part 2

If you're a girl.....
101 "You need more Cowbell."

100 - 91

100. "That? Oh, its a scar from where my penis used to be."
99. "My penis was larger than that, before that surgery."
98. "Lorena Bobbit is just misunderstood."
97. "I believe in Castration before Marriage.. how about you?"
96. "Awwww. (crying) I am so happy that you asked me on a date!!! It's been so long!!"
95. "Hi, son!"...reply "Hi, son fucker!"
94. "Dad, you know I hate it when you nibble on my neck!"
93. "Eh, I suppose I'm having fun. What else am I supposed to do when my electric toothbrush runs out of batteries?"
92. (To be said after sex) "My last girlfriend was a waaaaay better licker than you are."
91. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!.. oh I'm sorry, were you saying something?"

90 - 81

90. "I just love _______" (the blank can be filled with James Blunt, Madonna, James Blunt,cher, James Blunt, Backstreet Boys, James Blunt,Celine Dione, James Blunt etc. James Blunt)
89. "Wanna see me rip out my implants? All the blood and fatty tissue will just turn me on!!"
88. "If you don't pay for dinner, I'll cut your balls off."
87. "You do know that I don't like it when guys get boners under the table"
86. "This is so crazy... I thought you were gay!"
85. "8 inches is the bare minimum"
84. "I'm like Paris Hilton, with Hepatitis!"
83. "How far can you stick this up your ass?"
82. "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? And dont tell me to go ask a woodchuck...I'm not falling for that one again"
81. "Y'know what I like about chastity belts? Everything"

80 - 71

80. "I know!, how about this time, I be the Guy and you be the girl!!"
79. "I wisth I coultd bee asth baeutifule ashe here!"
78. "Sorry... I thought you were a girl..."
77. "I forgot to shave."
76. "Can I throw up in your butt?"
75. "Is your nickname 'Tiny'?"
74. "I'm not wearing any panties. Too much mold."
73. "Do you like whips, chains, knives, and hot branding irons?"
72. "Lets make Cabbits!"
71. "As soon as we're married, we're getting YOU a vagina!"

70 - 61

70. "How do you feel about having sex in a room full of stuffed animals?"
69. "On top of stuffed animals?"
68. "Inside of stuffed animals?"
67. "With stuffed animals?"
66. "Can I touch your ding-dong-danggly now?"
65. "You have a strap-on, right?"
64. "So, you're you into bestiality too?"
63. "Aww it's so cute!"
62. "You know, you're so sweet. I still haven't completely gotten over my last rape..."
61. (when he is naked) "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

60 - 51

60. "I looked at Wikipedia."
59. "You're not nearly as jealous or well armed or addicted to PCP as my last boyfriend."
58. "I hope you're not too picky about bowel control."
57. "I'll decide if it's rape tomorrow morning."
56. "...vagina full of centipedes..."
55. "There is no Dana only Zuul!"
54. "You know what I love? Putting costumes on my cats."
53. "What's your name again? I was thinking about marriage and sort of spaced out."
52. "What's your name again? I was thinking about carnage and sort of spaced out."
51. "Hi, I'm Lynndie England"

50 - 41

50. "Where am I? Who are you? Aww, who cares?
49. Don't you love Oprah and Dr. Phil?!
48. "When I get excited, I make sounds like a chipmunk and a dying donkey."
47. From when the guy walks her out to the car, "Alright, do me before I change my mind."
46. "You're my dad, you're my dad."
45. "Just put your penis inside of me and see what comes out."
44. "I'll only be happy if you fuck me."
43. "I like it when other people put things inside of me."
42. "I have to lose my virginity before the next full moon so I'll be exempt from the rite sacrifice to Kromdar, Traveler of the Desert of Madness, Lord of Blood and Flames, Vindicator of The Traitorous."
41 "I promised my parents I'd bring them some fun home."

40 - 31

40 "(Loudly) What the fuck do you mean? Of course i'll let you cum into my nostrils!"
39 "Lets see if you're any better than my brother"
38 "So, should i get a dead end job and look after the kids or the other way round?"
37 "Of course as a muslim....."
36 "Don't tell my husband we went out. He'll know I why I couldn't come to his wrestling match..."
35 "Naaw, I d-don' have a drinkn' problem... can yous hold back meh hair for a sec?"
34 "What do you want to name our kids?"
33 "You can fuck me, but my dad can't find out. He gets jealous real easy."
32 "This is my dog, Ballbuster. Isn't he cute? Watch, he bites..."
31 "My names reece rymell and i work at McDonalds, so I don't think you can afford me."

30 - 21

30 "You don't mind the vag piercings right? It's just a couple spikes."
29 "Yeah. Uh huh. Okay. Can we just get to the sex now."
28 "Lick it for a little bit and see what happens."
27 "Ooh, sorry. I didn't mean to squirt you in the eye.
26 "Greedo shot first!"
25 "Um...I think Michael Jackson is HOT"
24 "Can my Moms join she's the lady from the pancake box...Aunt Jemima...she'll get us all sticky"
23 "IM HUGE!"
22 "My hobby is being a nagging bitch. Do YOU have a problem with that?" (There is no right answer.)
21 "My goal in life? Child support and Alimony."

20 - 11

20 "I can't have sex until the economy is more stable."
19 "Hold on, my Pimp is callin'"
18 "WhatWhyareyoulookingatmelikethatAreyouafreakorsomehtingYouthinkyourbetterthanmeWellI'vegotsomenewsforyoubuster..."
17 "I tell people I'm a born again christian virgin, but I'm such a lying slut."
16 "Want to know a secret? J'ai sexuellement transmis les maladies, and I'm really horny."
15 "Lets be Myspace friends!"
14 "One day I want to be famous like (anyone on this list)
13 "So like he TOTALLY like you know and I like was all as if and he was all like my dad about sleeping with his best friend after I spent all his money."
12 "Jobs are for guys."
11 (first thing said) "How much money do you have in your wallet?"

Top Ten

10 "You want to have sex with me? Hold on let me check my schedule. I have an 8 minute opening next Wednesday..."
9 "It's a vagina, I swear!"
8 "My anus is big enough for both of us." (as seen on t-shirts)
7.33333333 "No, it's just that my anus is bleeding..."
7 Don't say anything. Just stare and take notes on how to kill him.
6 Talk in Third Person e.g. Jemiamah (Jemiamah?) wishes to drink some alchohol, bitch.
5 "Somedays I get so emo I could kill myself and everybody I know! What's your name again?"
4 "So I hear you like Mudkips..."
3 "Look, here's the truth. I'm going to act real cute, I'm going to call you "master" in bed and pretend to fight and enjoy it. Then fake some bruises and have a rape test done. Then blackmail you for all your worth."
2 "So then I just made up lies about him and then told them to all his friends and family. He's serving 10 - 25 years now."
1 "is your dick bigger then mine?"0.5 "I have AIDS, HIV, Clamidia, Crabs the whole package!"
0.4 "Nice dick"
0.3 "So I heard you are a woman "

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Worst 100 Things to say on a First Date Part 1

If you're a GUY, stay tune for Part 2...

101. "I'm getting sick of waiting, can I fuck you now?!?!?"

100 - 91

100. "Does this rag smell like cloroform to you?"
99. "So, can I do you now?"
98. "I normally don't say this about everyone, but I know somebody WAY hotter than you."
97. "Me touchy boobies???"
96. "Well, tonight's been great. I'd love to see you next week, but I'll be too busy sticking my balls in a pencil sharpener, brrr."
95. "I think I should get this out of the way. I like kids. Like, really like kids." - This should be followed by the Pedosmile
94. "I suffer from every perversion on the list of the Worst 100 Sexual Perversions. I like to make it a challenge for women to get me going."
93. (To be used after sex, if you get it on the first date) "So, if I told you - and this is just a hypothetical - if I told you I might have herpes, what would you say?"
92. (Also to be used after sex) "Wow, that was way different than I'm used to. I mean, my dog doesn't do anything you just did."
91. "Wow, you're nothing like I thought you were. I mean, the pictures I took of you from the tree behind your house say nothing about your personality!"

90 - 81

90. "If I pay for dinner, I expect that you'll be having a popsicle for dessert."
89. Normal chit-chat and date conversation, but switching between a robot voice and a pirate voice with every alternate sentence.
88. "Did it just get sluttier in here, or is it just you?"
87. "I've had a streak of dating frigid, ugly, evil women, and judging by you, my streak is still goin'..."
86. "My greatest achievement is reaching level 85 on World of Warcraft."
85. "Damn, I can't believe I got a real date. When I get home, my mom is going to be SO proud..."
84. "Wow, that's really interesting. But enough about you. Seriously."
83. "I never thought I'd have to use the phrase 'Your mom did that way better.' on a first date."
82. "I'm going to go straight home and write about this in my Livejournal!"
81. "What's your name again?" Then you carve it on your arm in blood.

80 - 71

80. "Whoops, how'd that fall out of my pants?"
79. "Holy shit, look at the tits on the piece of ass on table 3!"
78. "Meal's on me. I just sold my level 70 Warlock Paladin WoW account."
77. (After sex) "But your Myspace account said you were 18!"
76. "Oh shit... you're a woman?!"
75. "How loud do you scream?"
74. "Meet my Golden 'Shower' Retriever."
73. "So, since you're not bound and gagged like my last date, I suppose I have to talk to you. What're you like?"
74. "I thought you might like to know that I have uncontrollable orgasms so it could get messy."
“I really enjoy dating you. You look like my mom when she was slightly younger.”
~ Sigmund Freud on Why he married his wife

72. "I'm sorry about my choppy moustache. Can you teach me how you shave yours?"
71. "So my friends. Can they come watch to prove I finally scored?"

70 - 61

70. (Right before sex) "Do you accept Visa? No? Mastercard?"
69. "Do you mind if I call you mom?"
68. "Sorry I have to bolt out of bed, I forgot to take my HIV medication."
67. "Would you wear a furry costume tonight?"
66. "I just asked you out so my parents don't think I'm gay. I actually think your brother probably sucks a good dick."
65. "Would you mind just grabbing it for a while, it's kind of cold and I don't wanna get sick!"
64. "Tell me, are you into bestiality too?"
63. "You know, everyone is so tough on O.J."
62. "Next time, bring your twin sister along..."
61. "I'm gona make ya squeal like a pig. Except, I'll take my time when I skin you."
60. "Is your dick bigger then mine?"

60 - 51

59. "I'll be right back, I always have to call my parole officer at 6."
58. "I've got a gimp suit on the trunk, and it will fit like a glove in you."
57. "Ya know, before the surgery, I bet my breasts were about your size."
56. "OK, I gotta be honest with you. I'm dating you because we have this bet about who would date the ugliest chick around. I promise to give you 25% of the money if we can skip the making out and the sex."
55. "I bet my dick will fit perfectly."
54. "The power of God commands thee!"
53. "You suck dick way better than my sister."
52. "Can I cum all over your face but not tell you when it's coming?"
51. "And HOW would you know that platypus is a mammal?"
-1,000,000 I read the unencyclopedia worst 100, and I think that I pay you... $4,000?

50 - 41

50. "That? Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I always film myself having sex with people and then upload it on the internet."
49. (pointing to a mirror in the room) "ITS BACK!"
47. "Losing my virginity to her really gave me a whole new appreciation for working at a daycare center."
46. "That was just like that time with your mother! Except you won't let me take a dook in your eye."
45. Any sentence that uses the words 'noodle', 'midget', 'duck', and 'condom'. Use your imagination.
44. "... then they get a cow bowel, stuff with some pork meat and blood, soy beans and God knows what, and voilá, you have a sausage. Do you want another hot dog?"
43. "Let's stop on the police precinct so you can check the posters and make sure I'm not still wanted."
42. "We could end this wonderful evening at my place. The cemetery is not far from here."
41. "Give me your number again so I can delete it again... that made me feel good."

40 - 31

40. "Would you like to come to the Family Reunion? You can meet my Mom, Aunt, Cousin, Sister. She's really a great gal."
39. "I bet that you know your way with a strap-on."
38. "You're into necrophilia too, right?"
37. (if she is a vegan) "You're a vegetarian? Thats great, I love animals too! And its great, with them, I don't even need to use protection!"
36. "I like it when they lie real still."
35. "Sorry I gotta run... they don't give you a cott at the YMCA after 11."
34. "In Yoda Talk, to me speak you should."
33. "Whoah, like, did everything just taste purple for a second?"
32. "I started this yoga thing so I could do ############. I can show you, if you want to."
31. "Just out of curiosity, are you afraid of snakes? How about trouser snakes? Hahahaha!"

30 - 21

30. "Well I go to Anime Conventions and talk on the IRC in my spare time ... you?"
29. "You aren't feeling tired? Damn. I thought those knocked bitches out in like 30 minutes."
28. "Ok, you gotta be quiet or my roommate will hear. He doesn't know I'm cheating on him!"
27. "You're Jewish? I thought Hitler took care of you people..."
26. "They're real?"
25. "Thanks for having sex with me. I've really been down since I found out my girlfriend gave me Hepatitis."
24. "So... When's it due?"
23. "You plastic surgery people all have the same thin-nosed face. Its like you have the downs or something."
22. "Your adam's apple turns my flaccid embarrassment into streaming manliness"
21. "Be right back, I have mud-butt."

20 - 11

20. "Grope'd!"
19. "I'm adopting a 'hump and dump' policy"
18. The words: t3h, lolz, or j00
16. "Oh shit, I've got a boner"
15. "And the best part, is she doesn't even know I have AIDS!"
14. "Honk honk!"
13. "I would never hit a girl, I hear it ruins the fun to do that before you're married"
12. "Thank god you're not anglo faxson"
11. "What do you do when you live in a shoe and you aint got no pussy. Oh shit! I mean. What do you do when you do it in a shoe and you aint got no soul. Oh fuck! Just let me do you now. Please?"

Top Ten
10. "So I said: "No more medication! Homicidal tendencies be damned!""
9.5 "OMG, your mom is such a MILF. Shes is waaayyy hotter than you. Now she can get the business!""
9. "Bone your ham, ma'am?"
8. "The meat missile is heading for the drainage pipe!!!"
7. "I'll bet you'll cook up real good!"
6. "Does it self-lubricate?"
5. "I'll lick your pussy until it leaks out the water and then you can suck on my dick until the white stuff comes out."
4. "Well, I *technichally* didn't murder the bitch."
3. "Could you close your eyes for a second, I just wanna imagine what you look like unconscious."
2. "Hi, my name is Kevin Federline"
1. "You know, I think if your sister can do the reverse cowgirl, then you should be able to too."
0.5. "I haven't had that much fun since I did my dog."
0.125 "Come on, let me put the head in for 2 seconds" (actually done after kegger parties)
0. "I fuck on the first date, and my name is Oliver Harris." (actually seen on t-shirts)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Dilemma over 2 guys?

Is there more than one man who is vying for your affections? If so, it can be incredibly difficult to choose one over the other, especially if you are attracted to them both. If you are only dating casually and have not brought up the issue of commitment yet with either one (or they have not yet brought up the issue with you), then you can relax and take your time about making a decision. After all, it can be beneficial to play the field for a little while before you choose to settle down with a mate. Dating can allow you to get to know both parties well enough to make your choice.
If, however, you are thinking about getting serious with one or more of your potential beaus, you will need to choose one over the other in order to avoid the possibility of losing both guys. While it can be difficult to make this decision, this page on how to choose between two guys will help you in your romantic dilemma. Here we will go over the various things to keep in mind while making your choice, as well as some of the wrong reasons to make a commitment to one or the other.

Step 1: Weigh the Pros and Cons
While it may be tempting to simply follow your impulses and pick the guy that you feel the most physically attracted to, it is important to think rationally about your needs and what these men truly have to offer you. The first course of action here is to sit down with a pen and paper and create a list of all of the things that you are looking for in a guy and in a relationship. What have you always wanted for yourself? What are your priorities? Once you have these things written down, go over your list and write down the name of the guy (or guys) who meet each of your criteria. The guy who best matches your aspirations may be the one for you. In addition to the number of matches a guy has, you should also note the importance of each item on your list, and weigh them accordingly.1
Next, write down the things that you absolutely do not want in a relationship, and do the same thing. Who is more likely to cheat? Is one of them rude to your friends or family? Compare these notes with your list of relationship wants, and you may find that it is easy to make your decision.

Step 2: Listen to Your Heart

Of course, a guy needs to do more than just look good on paper in order to win your heart. You must also take your feelings into consideration. You probably feel a bit different when you are around each of them. Who really makes your heart flutter? If they both send sparks running through your body, it can be hard to tell which one your heart prefers. However, there is a good chance that even if they both attract you greatly, there is one that you can simply feel is better for you. This has a bit to do with sexual attraction, but also a sense of comfort and happiness that comes along with the physical chemistry.

You should feel safe, warm, and happy when you are with the guy that you belong with. If you have any doubts or pick up on any subtle signals that make you question the honesty or good intentions of the man you are with, there is a good chance that he is not the one that you want to end up with.

Step 3: How to Avoid Choosing the Wrong Guy
If you have followed the above steps, then by now you should know both the rational choice to make as well as the more intuitive selection. Hopefully, they both match each other. If they do not, there is a good chance that neither of these guys is truly right for you, and you may wish to move on and experience dating some more men before committing yourself to anyone in particular. Whatever the case, it is a good idea to know the reasons why you should not choose one guy over the other one. These include:
  1. Do not choose a guy because he seems good for you, and you want things to work out even though you do not have true feelings for him.2
  2. Do not pick a guy because he makes the most money, no matter how many beautiful gifts he gives you.
  3. Don't make a decision based purely on sex. You will need to be compatible in many other ways in order to sustain a relationship.
  4. Do not choose a guy just because your friends or family like him a lot.
  5. Do not enter a serious relationship before you are ready because you feel pressure from the guy.

Monday 28 May 2012

See how easily you, too, can be successful online dating

Online dating is not as complicated as people often think. With lots of guys and girls out there looking to date, a little bit of patience and a few tricks can help almost everyone land a date with someone right. Sites like Facebook and Plentyoffish, are great social networks that create a comfortable place to meet singles from all over the world. As these sites are not solely for dating, they create an environment that provides you with plenty of chances to find someone without feeling awkward.
The first rule to dating successfully using a website is to have a decent profile. Profiles that are too blank are just boring and seem inactive, so people will not respond much to you. Find some good pictures of yourself, preferably doing something outdoors or hanging out with friends. Pictures from your wild night out, which even you can’t remember should not be up on your profile nor should a million pictures of your pet tarantula. Your profile should make you seem like an interesting person, and your profile information can display your interests honestly. Do not write an essay on your page, just keep it short, simple and honest, highlighting some things about your personality like I am a fun-loving person or I am a sporty guy. What you do for a living and what are some ways you like to spend time, such as working out or drink’s with friends. Since most people will judge you a lot based on just your profile, perfecting it is key to getting more friend requests accepted and more posts. Remember to set your security level so that people can read about you,add you and browse your pictures.
Once that’s done, import your contacts so you can get in touch with more people.Do not send a long message with details of your life, which will just make you seem desperate. Drop a casual hi or comment on one of their pictures and see if they respond. If they do, then exchange a bit more casual conversation before switching to chat or getting their phone number. There are also many forums created by people about everything under the sun. Join some that interest you, like a fan page of your favorite band or a cause you support. Use the page to talk to new people and possibly even meet them at the events uploaded on the page like charity shows or concerts. Lastly be patient and do not keep “poking” someone if they don’t respond or put a million messages on their wall because that will just be annoying. Lastly, do not feel rejected if you get turned down a few times, finding the right person will definitely be worth it.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Top 10 Dating Tips for a Successful Date Night

1. Plan.Waiting until the last minute may make things spontaneous - or disastrous. Plan your date in advance, set expectations and ensure your date is in agreement. Know how to get there, where to park, when things are open, etc. Look like you know how to make things happen seamlessly.

2. Appropriateness.
Make sure what you've picked out and/or suggested has some relevance to what this person might actually enjoy. Doing something you both enjoy will go a long way towards relationship building.

3. Sensitivity.
If your date happens on a weeknight, don't select a movie ending at 11.00 p.m. The more solutions you've prepared for in advance, the less anxious your date will be. This clearly shows your thoughtfulness.

4. Respect.
Sure, she or he really looks great and you're more impressed as the evening goes along. However, don't push physical attraction too soon. You could be making a serious mistake if you attempt to manhandle her or him.

5. Listen.
Listening is very important at any stage of dating or a relationship. Show her or him you know them better at the end of the date, than you did at the beginning.

6. Stay Light.
Do something positive you both can share in, without it being embarrassing. Select something appealing to your date; i.e., go to a water park if she or he likes water, or an outdoor rock concert if they like the performers. Perhaps, see a romantic comedy or take a hike. Whatever you're doing, don't sit and talk about your exes, troubled kids, etc. These are conversation topics which will come later if the relationship progresses.

7. Connect.
Make a real effort to find commonalities. Listen and learn a little about each other's childhood and past. See if your values and life's outlook are similar. This is an excellent exploration period.

8. Anticipate.
As always, you should look your best. A light kiss at the end of the night that promises more… sexier than a lip scrunching passionate kiss that surprises your date and possibly puts him or her off.

9. Laugh.
Laughter is bonding, infectious and attractive. If you're going to the movies, ensure the film's funny; if going to a comedy club, know the comedians are funny; or go roller skating and laugh at yourselves. Laughter is a great release for any nervousness.

10. Show Appreciation.
Acknowledge someone's kindness, thoughtfulness or generosity. Don't assume anything and don't come off as being spoiled. Verbally let them know their hard work, planning or good humor didn't go unnoticed. And, make yourself an irresistible choice for future dates.

Saturday 26 May 2012

20 Things Women Find Irresistible

Listen up, guys! Women love it when you:
  1. Own a pair of really nice shoes and actually wear them
  2. Brush the hair out of our eyes
  3. Are able to hold a baby or push a stroller without squirming
  4. Plan an evening out from soup to nuts, from finding a movie to making the dinner reservations
  5. Kiss creatively
  6. Handle our emotions with grace and compassion
  7. Have impassioned, informed opinions about women writers and women's issues
  8. Can distinguish between being courteous and being wimpy
  9. Know how to inscribe a card with a heartfelt, personal message
  10. Demonstrate respect for others by standing up when your mother comes to the table, giving up a seat on the bus for a pregnant woman, asking your dad for his opinion and really listening, etc.
  11. Show genuine, platonic interest in your female friends' lives
  12. Are playful around dogs, cats and kids
  13. Make the bed in the morning and fold the laundry -- competently
  14. Offer juice, soup and TLC when we're sick
  15. Do the come-from-behind cuddle-hug, just to say hello
  16. Remember insignificant details, like our favorite color or flower, and make use of that knowledge
  17. Are unfailingly polite to all members of the service industries
  18. Offer us caresses and compliments for no particular reason
  19. Understand that we don't always like it slow and gentle in bed
  20. Understand that sometimes we do

20 Things Men Find Irresistible

Listen up, ladies! Men love it when you:
  1. Have the ability to tease, be playful and take a joke
  2. Know that men are not, in fact, from Mars, and women are not from Venus
  3. Wear our T-shirts and boxers
  4. Call us out of the blue (if we're dating; not if we're practically strangers)
  5. Kiss creatively
  6. Have a social conscience and enjoy a good debate
  7. Have an easy-going attitude about watching or participating in athletic events occasionally
  8. Are comfortable leading the whole way in bed
  9. Ask for advice about non-stereotypically male stuff (yes, guys usually know what CD player to buy, but we like to be taken seriously about other things too)
  10. Are charming and thoughtful to his mother
  11. Can hold up your hair using only a pencil
  12. Are sexy and smart at the same time -- for example, you do the Sunday crossword wearing a pair of flirty pajamas
  13. Have the ability to remind us what gifts you like, without implying an obligation
  14. Have a spirit of independence, but one that doesn't make the man in your life feel unnecessary
  15. Know the difference between flirting and just ''being friendly''
  16. Eat a big meal and fearlessly order dessert
  17. Take naps next to us
  18. Send us flowers (believe it or not, men like getting flowers, too!)
  19. Know what you want
  20. Know what you want to do

Friday 25 May 2012

Should you be moving in together?

If you've never split rent with a beau, chances are good you will: According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, half of all women under 45 have lived in sin at some point in their lives. But research has shown that living together before marriage can sabotage long-term love. Couples who share an address before exchanging rings have slightly higher odds of getting divorced. So how do you know if the timing is right to start shacking up? Ask yourself these four questions:

Are you willing to wait?
Unless you've already discussed a wedding date, don't assume that moving in together will make picking out china patterns and sending out invites happen any sooner. In fact, according to a report from Rutgers University, only 40 percent of couples were married after living together for five to seven years. So if marriage is on your agenda, talk about it. Uncomfortable bringing it up? Beware. "Intense anxiety about whether he'll pop the question can signal underlying concerns about his commitment to you," says Judith Sills, Ph.D., author of The Comfort Trap. Until that anxiety fades, keep your own pad.

How's his credit rating?
Though it can be one of those prickly relationship chats, the who-pays-for-what conversation needs to happen before you cosign a lease, says Adriane G. Berg, author of Financial Planning for Couples. Disclose your respective salaries and debts, then make a plan for divvying up the bills. Berg suggests using a proportional system (for example, if you earn 30 percent more than your man, you pay 30 percent more of the rent) rather than trying to split everything down the middle.

Are you ready to rumble?
Don't be afraid to end the honeymoon phase by hammering out your differences. It will help you gain a deeper under­standing of each other, Berg says, and build a stronger relationship in the process. While some experts recommend keeping a gratitude journal, Berg advises tracking fights. Jot down when you and your man fought, what you fought about, and the outcome. It can help you recognize patterns and identify serious issues. Keep in mind, Berg says, that the entries are learning tools, not ammunition for the next round. 

Do you own a blindfold?
You may discover that cohabitating actually results in less quality time. And when you do hit the couch together, there's nothing sexy about it (Babe, are you sitting on the remote?). An easy fix, says WH advisor Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., is scheduling romance from the get-go. "Decide on a weekly date night before you finish unpacking your boxes," she says. And don't be shy about trying new seduction techniques. Surprise him with breakfast in bed--wearing just an apron.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Find your Perfect Partner through Genes

The news is in and it's excellent. "There's a very good chance," an e-mail informs me, "that your wife doesn't fantasize about or sleep with other men."

The conclusion is particularly delightful because the evidence was gathered not via long-range telephoto lenses or tapped phone lines but something even more credible: genetic testing. My wife and I had each brushed a couple of Q-tips across our inner cheeks, sent the magic swabs off to a lab in Oklahoma, and our respective DNA—actually, just a tiny but crucial portion of it, three gene pairs that are part of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)—have been analyzed by a DNA matchmaking website. And now an e-mail from one of these dating services is telling me that we've been deemed exceptional for mating: Five of our six corresponding alleles (each of these gene pairs is made of two alleles) are different, which they claim means there's a real good chance that we "love each other's natural body fragrance," that we're "both very satisfied" with our sex life, and that we have a high probability of producing "the healthiest possible children." 

Had we just met rather than having recently celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary (thank you), were we not the parents of three healthy kids, the information in this e-mail might have been of use. Mostly, it simply confirms things: I've always loved her smell, for instance. (Then again, I can't imagine having stayed for 14-plus years with someone whose smell I didn't love. Could you?) Beyond that, word of our genetic compatibility is mostly fodder for dinner-party conversation.

But what if you're unattached and looking? Particularly if you're a woman—the gender blessed, as one MHC-related study asserts, with an "exquisitely sensitive olfactory system that allows them to make choices based on small differences in... alleles"? Would it strike you as too pragmatic, too unromantic, to go through the painless, simple process of swabbing your cheek and having a swatch of your genes analyzed if it might—so long as there's a sizable pool of similar male adventurers—speed up the process of finding your perfect match? If it might increase the likelihood of finding a great-smelling guy—who also loves your smell—with whom you'd have especially hot sex, and with whom you might one day produce a healthy child or three, with a lower chance of miscarriage, wouldn't it be worth it? (The three gene pairs in question contribute mightily to our immune system; the greater the diversity of disease-recognizing genes in our offspring, presumably, the better for his or her health.) In our complex, stimuli-saturated culture, do those six little alleles of yours and those of some tall, dark (or short, fair) stranger really matter at all? 

Monday 21 May 2012

The time to say "I Love You"

I love you -- three little words packed with tons of meaning. If both people in a relationship are ready to profess their loveto each other, boldly declaring those words can convey a sense of happiness beyond compare. But if one person isn't ready to hear it, even the sweetest and most promising relationship could nosedive into an awkward tailspin.
Love is one of those four-letter words that can make you gush with happiness or retreat into humiliation. Much of the confusion about saying "I love you" comes from the fact that love has many different definitions. For some, love means feeling especially close to another person. For others, "I love you" is tantamount to asking, "Will you marry me?"
Another problematic aspect of saying "I love you" is that some people are uncomfortable with talking about love or relationships in general. If your significant other grew up without hearing his or her parents say those three special words to each other, he or she might be uncomfortable saying it to you.
Then, there's the issue of commitment. If your partner is uneasy about saying "I love you," it might be a sign that they view the expression as a fetter that binds them to a relationship they're not ready for. Some people even use the words manipulatively. Saying "I love you" is another way of saying, "You can't break up with me -- it would hurt me too much."
Before we talk about when is right to say those three magic words, let's look at when you definitely shouldn't say "I love you:"
  • When you're unusually emotional and not thinking rationally
  • When you've had too much to drink
  • When you're in a sexually charged situation
  • When you want to reward a nice gesture
So, when is the right time to say "I love you?" It's usually best to wait at least a few months into a relationship that you're confident will last. After you've determined that you're in it for the long haul, you should talk to your significant other about your feelings to see if you're on the same page. Ask your partner if he or she could picture a future with you and if he or she feels like you're a good match. By testing the waters, you'll not only find out how your significant other is feeling, you'll also put your feelings on the table and prepare him or her if you do decide to say "I love you." Also, say it in person, rather than over the phone or through e-mail. That way, you can read body language to get a sense of how your significant other is feeling.
Taking the time to decide when you're ready to say "I love you" will prove worth the wait. After all, nothing is more meaningful than knowing that someone loves you and you love them in return.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Headstart to a new you and a happy Relationship

Volume Magic Rebonding!!
(Edward Kim by Spascene)

They say the head is the crowning glory, with the change, u feel more confident look better
and love will sure follow. :)

Enjoy the video!

Saturday 19 May 2012

Body Language to Show Attraction to the Opposite Sex

In the game of sexual attraction what you say isn't as nearly important as what your body says. In fact if you are so good at silent speech, you can say so much more with your body than words can ever do for you. 

Here's how it's done.

1. Triangulating Eye Contact
First you need to draw attention to yourself. That can be achieved with fiddling with the collar, necklace or earring, or flicking dust from your sleeve or shoulder, just to name a few. After you catch his or her attention, hold his or her gaze for about 3 seconds, break eye contact downwards to take in the nose, lips and chin.

Triangulating eye-contact communicates the desire to know the other person more intimately (and I am not talking about "sex" people!).
 Keep in mind that while men generally do not mind prolonged eye contact with a strange woman (in fact they crave it especially if she's drop dead gorgeous), women on the other hand tend to be rather irritated by prolonged stares of unknown men (even great looking ones). Also beware of cultural differences.

2. Eyebrow Flash 
Eye contact with an eyebrow flash followed by a smile has an even more powerful effect.

Make eye contact, hold his or her gaze for about 3 seconds and break eye contact downwards (very briefly. As you look up again, take note of the chin, lips, nose and work your way up to the eyes. Add in the eyebrow flash and smile.

The message you want to send is "I was only being polite at first...but now that I've taken a good look....OH-WOW!"
Shy people can do this one so much better than the more aggressive type because subtlety and modesty comes to shy men and women naturally.

3. Eye Catching

Once you have his or her attention and conversation is flowing, use your fingers to draw attention to your eyes and to keep his or her gaze focused on you - and you alone. This is especially important when the exchange is taking place in cramped or crowded conditions. 

Subtly touch your nose or gently rub your cheek making sure your index finger touches the area around the outer corner of your eye; your other fingers pointing on touching the mouth area. This says, "See, we're having a conversation here". To create maximum rapport be sure to hold eye contact when the other person is talking, then as his or her gaze begins to wander, bring it back by directing his or her eyes to your eyes and mouth area.

Another thing you can do is hold your face in both hands with the chin resting on your palms and elbows on the table. Gently stroke the area around the outer corners of both eyes with you index or middle finger; the other fingers slightly spread out in a semi-circle around your face. This gives the illusion of a whisper or secret being shared. Very intimate!

And if you wear glasses, slowly take them off, rub your eyes very briefly and put the glasses back on. But please, make sure it's not so obvious. And don't poke your eyes red because the apple of your eye has his or her attention drawn to the dude or chic the other side of the room. You have to make the conversation interesting as well, not just trying desperately to mechanically hold his or her gaze.

4. Sideways Glance 

This is best achieved when walking away or when sitting with your back turned towards the person you want to be drawn towards you. Slowly look back with partially closed eyelids but drop the gaze the moment after it has been noticed. This gaze drop should be very brief. Look up triangulating your eye contact starting with the chin, lips, nose and working your way up to the eyes. Smile.

Moistening the lips at the same time you drop the gaze increases sexual tension.

For women, the sideways glance combined with a hair toss and parted lips can be very powerful.
For men, this with the eyebrow flash is devastating! But you need a little bit of male-confidence not to appear creepy.

5. The Leg Cross (women only)

Entwined legs draw attention to body poise and give the impression of high muscle tone. Crossing and uncrossing legs while being watched by an interested male is a strong attraction signal, especially when you simultaneously hold eye contact, tilt your head sideways and stroke or rub a knee.

The catch here is that the type of men you are most likely to attract with this move are horny men - yeah, the hit-and-run type! So unless you really know the guy and have his stats checked out, keep both your feet on the ground - and together.

And if you're a couple or even married, these body language
moves can work wonders for your sexual chemistry. And when combined with prolonged eye contact and fondling cylindrical object like the stem of a wine glass, straw, pen, pencil or cigarette... Aiyaiyaiyiayai! Houston, We Have a Problem!
6. The Cowboy Hook (men only)
This "I am all man!" dominant stance calls for extra male confidence to pull it off. Works with thumbs tucked in the belt and the other fingers resting on the sides of the thighs framing the groin area (did I say this calls for extra male confidence!). You can also achieve the same effect (or close) leaning on a door post or wall with one hand, the other hand inside the pocket, thumb sticking out and pointing towards you-know-where.

Any hand gesture that draws attention to the groin area shows great sexual and social confidence. A lot depends on whether the woman in question approves of a cave-man approach.
Will any one of these eye and body communication gestures net you the man or woman of your dreams?

Not necessarily. Personally, I do not believe that mechanical body language gestures however effortless and flawless can do anything for you other than boost your confidence and get the sexual energy flowing in your body. At the end of the day, it's the confident vibes coming from you that start the sexual attraction. Body language can only get the already existing sexual chemistry going. If you can use body language to cause a chain reaction, you're half way there! And just as it takes effort and practice to be fluent in any language, you need practice to become fluent in body language. You can practice in front of a mirror or with the help of a supportive friend. You'll see that as you become more fluent in your flirting and sexual attraction body language, your confidence in yourself as a sexually attractive man or woman increases too.

Don't take yourself too seriously. The goal is not to become a body language expert but to become sexually confident with the opposite sex. So just have fun with your sexual being. It's yours to enjoy!

You can also use this knowledge to tell if someone is flirting with you, interested in you and attracted to you. Keep in mind, body language is no exact science.